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Various Status Effects exist within ATLAS that can affect the player in positive or negative ways. All Status Effects in ATLAS

Positive[ | ]


StatusEffects Equilibrium

HUD Text: Vitamin Equilibrium Boost
Keeping your Vitamins balanced and full will keep you healthy, and if you can maintain it, you will gain stat bonuses such as increased fortitude or movement speed.

Fortitude: +30

Melee Damage: +10%

Movement Speed: +10%

Other Information: Equilibrium is a positive Status Effect given to players when their Nutrition is well-balanced. Remember that neglecting your Vitamins balance will lead to Vitamin Deficiency. Take care that you eat the needed Vitamins. If you not hungry enough do something to reduce your stamina. (Dancing, running, farming.) In the time the Stamina regain you will get hungry again.

Increased Reload Speed

Condition Increased Reload Speed

HUD Text: You have an active buff which gives you the ability to reload your weapons faster.

Other Information: Take it from Lucky Loader Feat from the Firearms skill tree.

Increased Repair Speed

Condition Increased Repair Speed

HUD Text: You have an active buff which gives you the ability to repair Structures more quickly.

Other Information: Take the feat from the skill Repair Fiend you get it from the Construction & Mercantilism skill tree.

Taming Feeding Affinity

Condition Taming Feeding Afinnity

Other Information: While feed by Taming a creature. It is an passive Buff and you can see it in your invetory.

Glider Wings

Condition Glider Wings

Movement Speed: increased

Other Information: While you're flying with the Glider Wings.


HUD Text: Extended schroud of war

Other Information: Farsight in ATLAS is a positive Status Effect given to players when they are riding a Giraffe. You can see a little more.

Other[ | ]


Condition Crouching

HUD Text: '

Info: Crouching in ATLAS is neither a negative nor a positive effect. It is used to crouch under low objects or hide.

Effects: you are crouching and can not run.


Cure: press c


Condition Prone

HUD Text: '

Info: Prone in ATLAS is neither a negative nor a positive effect. It is used to crawling under low objects or as a method of hiding.

Effects: you lay on the ground and crawl for movement. Running or walking is not possible in this position.


Cure: press x

Vitamin A


HUD Text: '

Info: Vitamin A in ATLAS will be a positive and sometimes a negative buff. If your vitamin A level is sufficient, you could get the Equilibrium buff. The state of your Vitamin A levels are denoted by these symbols, from very high to very low (L-R).

Effects: In time, if you eat or drink too much Food with vitamin A, you will get the same debuff as if you had not eaten enough of this vitamin. When you eat too much or too little vitamin A, the vertical bar denoting Vitamin A will turn a darker shade of green as it nears the bottom of the bar. You receive damage every second if left untreated and will lead to death if left for too long.

Vectors: -1 HP per second

Cure: You need to get Overheating to get damage or fight with Creatures, hit tree or something else to reduce your health to trigger the health generation. When your health eventually begins to regenerate, your Water and food begins to fall. When you get the state Overheating your water will reduce too, use Forge, Campfire, Torch or Grill to recive the state.

Notes: Food is categorized in four nutrition categories. Nutrition The key will show you detailed information about your current nutrition state. It is mandatory to distribute your vitamins and not to eat the same food all time. In case that one of your vitamins is either overfilled or empty, you will receive negative character effects (debuff). Normal found consumables are giving close to no food or water. This means processed food is from a higher quality. Depending on the kind of food you want to process, you can use on of the following Cooking Stations.


Vitamin B


HUD Text: '

Info: Vitamin B in ATLAS will be a positive and sometimes a negative buff. If you vitamin B level is alright you could get the Equilibrium buff. The state of your Vitamin B levels are denoted by these symbols, from very high to very low (L-R). This time you eat or drink too much of Food with vitamin B you will get the same debuff like you eat not enough of this vitamin.

Effects: In time you eat or drink too much of Food with vitamin B you will get the same debuff like you eat not enough of this vitamin. When you eat too much or to less vitamin B your will cough every few seconds and can not move for a while. You get hurt every second with 1 Health Point left, eventually you could die

Vectors: -1 HP per second

Cure: You need to get Overheating to get damage or fight with Creatures, hit tree or something else to reduce your health to trigger the health generation. When the health regain you lower your Water and food. When you get the state Overheating your water will reduce too use Forge, Campfire, Torch or Grill to recive the state.

Notes: Food is categorized in four nutrition categories. Nutrition The key h will show you detailed information about your current nutrition state. It is mandatory to distribute your vitamins and not to eat the same food all time. In case that one of your vitamins is either overfilled or empty, you will receive negative character effects (debuff). Normal found consumables are giving close to no food or water. This means processed food is from a higher quality. Depending on the kind of food you want to process, you can use on of the following Cooking Stations.

Vitamin C


HUD Text: '

Info: Vitamin C in ATLAS will be a positive and sometimes a negative buff. If you vitamin C level is alright you could get the Equilibrium buff. The state of your Vitamin C levels are denoted by these symbols, from very high to very low (L-R).

Effects: In time you eat or drink too much of Food with vitamin C you will get the same debuff like you eat not enough of this vitamin. When you eat too much or to less vitamin C your sign will get a very unclear sign for a few seconds. You get hurt every second with 1 Health Point left, eventually you could die

Vectors: -1 HP per second

Cure: You need to get Overheating to get damage or fight with Creatures, hit tree or something else to reduce your health to trigger the health generation. When the health regain you lower your Water and food. When you get the state Overheating your water will reduce too use Forge, Campfire, Torch or Grill to recive the state.

Notes: Food is categorized in four nutrition categories. Nutrition The key h will show you detailed information about your current nutrition state. It is mandatory to distribute your vitamins and not to eat the same food all time. In case that one of your vitamins is either overfilled or empty, you will receive negative character effects (debuff). Normal found consumables are giving close to no food or water. This means processed food is from a higher quality. Depending on the kind of food you want to process, you can use on of the following Cooking Stations.

Vitamin D


HUD Text: '

Info: Vitamin D in ATLAS will be a positive and sometimes a negative buff. If your vitamin D level is alright you could get the Equilibrium buff. The state of your Vitamin D levels are denoted by these symbols, from very high to very low (L-R).

Effects: In time you eat or drink too much of Food with vitamin D you will get the same debuff like you eat not enough of this vitamin. When you eat too much or to less vitamin D your will get dissae and need to poop every few seconds. You get hurt every second with 1 Health Point left, eventually you could die

Vectors: lost HP while pooping

Cure: You need to get Overheating to get damage or fight with Creatures, hit tree or something else to reduce your health to trigger the health generation. When the health regain you lower your Water and food. When you get the state Overheating your water will reduce too use Forge, Campfire, Torch or Grill to recive the state.

Notes: Food is categorized in four nutrition categories. Nutrition The key h will show you detailed information about your current nutrition state. It is mandatory to distribute your vitamins and not to eat the same food all time. In case that one of your vitamins is either overfilled or empty, you will receive negative character effects (debuff). Normal found consumables are giving close to no food or water. This means processed food is from a higher quality. Depending on the kind of food you want to process, you can use on of the following Cooking Stations.

In Combat

Condition In Combat

HUD Text: '

Info: In Combat is in ATLAS is an information to show you that you are in Combat status. If you are toggle your fist to fight something (Creatures to farming ressources) or somebody it will shown on the HUD with this Symbol.

Effects: When you scroll down your middle mouse temporary you move faster


Cure: You need to finish your fight or run away. Press r.

Notes: .


Condition Wet

HUD Text: '

Info: Wet in ATLAS is sometimes a negative Status Effect given to players when they get wet because of the Weather or they swimming

Effects: You are wet and are more susceptible to the Cold.

Vectors: you getting cold and use more Food

Cure: Stand next to a Campfire Campfire, a Torch Torch or a Forge Forge reduce the Wet status


Old Age

Old Age

HUD Text: You are very old! Seek out a Fountain of Youth to rejuvenate yourself!

Info: Old Age in ATLAS is neither a negative nor a positive effect.



Cure: Find a Fountain of Youth

Negative[ | ]

Players can become sick when infected with diseases. Many diseases will be added, with various cure-related items Medkit, Food or using the buff from tamed Creatures.

Contagious Diseases[ | ]

See Also Status Effects Players can become sick when infected with diseases. Many diseases will be added, with various cure-related items.

Disease Prevention[ | ]


Negative Buff
Condition Starved

Message: You are starving

HUD Text: You are starving

Info: While Starving, your torpor will continually rise until you pass out, and your health will continually drain until you die.

Effects: including slowed stamina regen, decreasing health, rising torpor and eventually death.

Vectors: -1 Health

Cure: Starved is an negative effect. If you don't eat enough food/consumables you will begin to starve.

Notes: The effects of starvation are similar with overfeed, decreasing health and eventually death. A Monkey maybe heal you in the time you need to get new food.


Negative Buff
Condition Over Eated

Message: You are eating too much

HUD Text: You are eating too much

Info: Overfed is a negative Status Effect given to players when they eat too much.

Effects: You are eating too much, you get hurt every second with 1 Health Point left, eventually you could die

Vectors: -1 HP per second

Cure: You need to get Overheating to get damage or fight with Creatures, hit tree or something else to reduce your health to trigger the health generation. When the health regain you lower your Water and food. When you get the state Overheating your water will reduce too use Forge, Campfire, Torch or Grill to recive the state.


  • * Investing skill points in Overeating Tolerance
  • It is possible you could die if the debuff takes too long.
  • A Monkey could heal you over the time and get you alive for the time you need to lower your food.


Negative Buff
Condition Over Drinked

Message: You are dinking too much

HUD Text: You are dinking too much

Info: Overhydrated is a negative Status Effect given to players when they drunk too much.

Effects: You will lost every second 1 health point eventuell you could die.

Vectors: -1 HP per second

Cure: You need to get a cold or an Hypothermia state to reduce your stamina. You need to work, run or dance to reduce your stamina. When the stamina regain you lower your water and food. When you get the state Overheating your water will reduce too use Forge, Campfire, Torch or Grill to recive the state. Or fight with Creatures, hit tree or something else to reduce your health and trigger the health regenration.


  • Investing skill points in Overeating Tolerance
  • If you drink too much water, milk, cocoa or other drink like ale... You get some damage in this time. It is possible you could die if the debuff takes too long.
  • A Monkey could heal you over the time and get you alive.


Negative Buff
Condition Dehydrated

Message: You are dehydrating

HUD Text: You are dehydrating

Info: Dehydrated is a negative Status Effect given to players when they do not drunk enough.

Effects: Your character's stamina regeneration will be slowed drastically and you won't replenish health while dehydrated. While dehydrated, your torpor will continually rise until you pass out, and your health will continually drain until you die (usually after the second time of falling unconscious, depending how high your health stat is).


  • reduce Stamina
  • increase Torpor
  • -1 Health per second

Cure: You need to drink water, milk, cocoa or other drink like ale...

Notes: You get some damage in this time. It is possible you could die if the debuff takes too long. A Monkey could heal you over the time and get you alive a little time you eventually need to drink something.

Food Poisoning

Negative Buff
Condition Food Poisoning

Message: You are poioning by food

HUD Text: You are poioning by food

Info: Food Poisoning is a negative Status Effect given to players when they eat too much of one type or group of food orRotten Meat.

Effects: Similar to Vitamin Deficiency, Food Poisoning will give a blurred vision screen effect, and will cause you to pass out and eventually die.

Vectors: -1 HP per second

Cure: You need to drink water, milk, cocoa or other drink like ale...


  • Investing skill points in Vitamin Depletion Rate
  • You need to eat food from another group. Maybe you need to reduce your food first with using your stamina or reducing your healt to trigger the health and stamina regeneration.
  • A Monkey could heal you over the time and get you alive.


Negative Buff
Condition Injured

Message: You are injured

HUD Text: You are inkured

Info: Injured is a negative Status Effect given to players when the health is very low (Below 30%).

Effects: You cannot jump or sprint.


  • no running
  • no jumping

Cure: You need to regenerate health. Sometimes you need to regenerate your Stamina first. Usualy you need to eat a lot of food.


  • Investing attribute points in Health Health
  • Some food increase the health regeneration Milk Milk or Tara Nostri Treat Tara Nostri Treat.
  • A tamed Monkey heal you over the time.


Negative Buff
Condition Encumbered

Message: You are carrying too much weight

HUD Text: You are carrying too much weight

Info: You are carrying too much weight

Effects: you are slowed, or if at your full weight capacity, unable to move.


  • you move very slow
  • you can not running
  • you can not jumping


  • Remove Items from your inventory. Pressing o to drop items from your inventory.
  • Pressing t to transfer items from the inventory to a tamed creature or in some storage struckture.


  • Investing attribute points in Weight Weight
  • Movement Speed, Player move at ~8% max Speed when (heavily) overloaded. For abit faster moving activate combat once r, then Controls↑ scroll down.


Negative Buff
Condition Suffocating

HUD Text: '

Info: Suffocating is a negative Status Effect given to players when they are too long under water without fresh air


Vectors: Will give a blurred vision screen effect

Cure: Go up to get some fresh air



Negative Buff
Condition Tranquilized

HUD Text: '

Info: Tranquilized is a negative Status Effect given to players when they get too much torpor

Effects: You have been tranquilized. If your torpor reaches 30%. You will be rendered unconscious until it drains back to 0.

Vectors: Will give a blurred vision screen effect

Cure: You need to wait till the torpor reaches back to 0.


  • Investing attribute points in Fortitude Fortitude
  • Hopefully you have an tamed creature whistle to attack your target on your side.
  • Or a friendly player is in the near and take care of you.


Negative Buff
Condition Hot

Message: You are too hot

HUD Text: You are too hot


Effects: draining water

Vectors: Will give a blurred vision screen effect

Cure: You need to cool a little

Notes: Investing attribute points in Fortitude Fortitude. Go into water to get wet. Go inside a buildings. Stay away from Campfire Campfire, Torch Torch or Forge Forge. Some tamed Creatures coul give you an cooling buff Ostrich


Negative Buff
Condition Hyperthermia Overheating

Message: You are too hot

HUD Text: You are too hot

Info: Hyperthermia is a negative Status Effect given to players when they spend too much time in extreme heat.

Effects: You are overheating badly.


  • Will give a blurred vision screen effect * increased water drain * slowed stamina regen

Cure: You need too cool


Darkness Blindness

Negative Buff
Condition Darkness Blindness

HUD Text: '

Info: Darkness Blindness is a negative Status Effect given to players when they are too long in the dark because of the Weather or in Craves

Effects: blurred vision


  • blurred vision

Cure: Use a Torch Torch or a Lantern Lantern to increase light and see again


Negative Buff
Condition Cold

HUD Text: '

Info: Cold is a negative Status Effect given to players when they get wet because of the Weather or they swimming

Effects: You are too cold. Your food drain and stamina use is increased.


Cure: Stand next to a Campfire Campfire, a Torch Torch or a Forge Forge reduce the eventualy Wet status



Negative Buff
Condition Hypothermia Freezing

HUD Text: '

Info: Hypothermia is a negative Status Effect given to players when they get wet because of the Weather or they swimming

Effects: You are freezing. Your food and stamina drain is increased drastically. Your health will slowly decrease unless you find a way to warm up. You are suffering from hypothermia. Slowed By Cold


Cure: Stand next to a Campfire Campfire, a Torch Torch or a Forge Forge reduce eventualy Wet status


Slowed By Cold

Negative Buff
Condition Slowed By Cold

HUD Text: '

Info: Slowed By Cold is a negative Status Effect given to players when they get wet because of the Weather or they swimming

Effects: You are slowed by the cold. You move slower and stamina regen is decreased.


Cure: Stand next to a Campfire Campfire, a Torch Torch or a Forge Forge reduce eventualy Wet status



Negative Buff
Condition Winded

HUD Text: '

Info: Winded is a negative Status Effect given to players when they are running out of stamina and need to stop moving.

Effects: You are winded and running out of stamina.


  • moving slower
  • get exhausted when you do not stop

Cure: You need to stop for some seconds the regain some Stamina


  • Investing attribute points in Stamina Stamina


Negative Buff
Condition Exhausted

HUD Text: '

Info: Exhausted is a negative Status Effect given to players when they are running out of stamina and need to stop moving.

Effects: You have run out of stamina and are too tired to keep moving. Stop and regain stamina or you will pass out.


  • moving slower
  • increasing torpidity
  • get Knocked Out when you do not stop

Cure: You need to stop for some seconds the regain some Stamina


  • Investing attribute points in Stamina Stamina

Knocked Out

Negative Buff
Condition KO

HUD Text: '

Info: Knocked Out is a negative Status Effect given to players when they are running out of stamina and need to stop moving. Or they got too much torpidity from creatures like Cobra, Rattlesnake, Bee or Ant

Effects: You will pass out.


  • can not move anymore
  • blurred vision

Cure: You need to wait


  • Investing attribute points in Stamina Stamina
  • Investing attribute points in Fortitude Fortitude
  • Hopefully you have an tamed creature whistle to attack your target on your side.
  • Or a friendly player is in the near and take care of you.


Negative Buff
Condition Shocked

HUD Text: '

Info: Shocked is a negative Status Effect given to players when they have been given an electric shock from an Eel or a Jellyfish and are dazed,

Effects: You are schocked. If you got too much electrical schocks you could Suffocating. Eventualy you die because you can not defeat the enemy


  • moving slower
  • get dazed

Cure: you need to wait some seconds


  • Investing attribute points in Fortitude Fortitude
  • move as fast as you can out of the water
  • defeat the crature


Negative Buff
Condition Stunned

HUD Text: '

Info: Stunned is a negative Status Effect given to players when they are get hitting by a Cyclops etc.

Effects: You a stunned by a Cyclops etc.


  • can not move anymore

Cure: You need to wait


  • Hopefully you have an tamed creature whistle to attack your target on your side.
  • Or a friendly player is in the near and take care of you.


Negative Buff
Condition Charmed

HUD Text: '

Info: Charmed is a negative Status Effect given to players when they are attacked by a Mermaid

Effects: You are charmed by a Mermaid


  • can not move anymore
  • blurred vision

Cure: You need to wait


  • Investing attribute points in Fortitude Fortitude
  • Hopefully you have an tamed creature whistle to attack your target on your side.
  • Or a friendly player is in the near and take care of you.

Tropical Island

Negative Buff
Condition TropicalIsland

HUD Text: '

Info: Tropical Island is a negative Status Effect given to creatures when they are newborn and getting too hot

Effects: You need to cool your newborn


Cure: move the newborn to a colder place

Notes: Breeding Imprinting

Freezing Island

Negative Buff
Condition Ice Island

HUD Text: '

Info: Freezing Island is a negative Status Effect given to creatures when they get cold because of the Weather

Effects: Your newborn is freezing and health will draining, eventually death.


  • draining Health
  • the newborn could die

Cure: Stand the newborn next to a Campfire Campfire, a Torch Torch or a Forge Forge or tamed Penguin

