Small Shipyard
Small Shipyard
Type Structure
Item slots 300
Added in v1.0
Spawn Command
Used to craft 2 items
Used to craft 0 items
Crafted in Smithy Smithy
Resources breakdown
240 × Fibers Fibers
105 × Stone Stone
420 × Thatch Thatch
840 × Wood Wood
500 × Gold Coin Gold Coin

The Small Shipyard is used for crafting the Sloop Sloop and Schooner Schooner

Name Recipe
12982 x Fibers Fibers, 160 x Hide Hide,

280 x Metal Metal, 11130 x Thatch Thatch, 13478 x Wood Wood

1196 x Fibers Fibers, 62 x Hide Hide,

36 x Metal Metal, 1023 x Thatch Thatch, 1010 x Wood Wood

Requirements[ | ]

To craft a Small Shipyard you will need to unlock Seamanship.

Quality[ | ]

The durability of the shipyard affects the max level of the ships made from it. A standard ship will have a max level of 42 but with high enough shipyard durability will add up to 10 levels.

203% shipyard -> 183% quality ship: max level: 50

211% shipyard -> 190% quality ship: max level: 50

217% shipyard -> 194% quality ship: max level: 51

221% shipyard -> 197% quality ship: max level: 51

223% shipyard -> 199% quality ship: max level: 51

224% shipyard -> 199% quality ship: max level: 51

225.59% shipyard -> 200% quality ship: max level: 52

226% shipyard -> 200% quality ship: max level: 52

231% shipyard -> 200% quality ship: max level: 52

Ship Building[ | ]

Building a Ship
