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Region O6
Biome Tropics

Temperature ?

Discovery Zones

Grid Name Island Longitude Latitude
O6 Monkmar Holm - - -
O6 Kirkney Ait - - -
O6 Ponoto Island - - -
O6 Montmeda Island - - -
O6 Malsea Atoll - - -
O6 Bubbling Brook Kirkney Ait 96.39 23.72
O6 The Tower Of Stegaell - 00.00 00.00
O6 The One Path to Take Montmeda Island 90.64 24.22
O6 Field of Dawn Flowers Ponoto Island 97.20 27.07
O6 Crushed by the Gods Malsea Atoll 93.30 29.87
O6 A Waterfall of Firewater Montmeda Island 90.75 22.69
O6 A Mysterious Cave Montmeda Island 90.09 23.32
O6 A Beautiful Place Montmeda Island 90.40 23.61
O6 Island's Treasure Monkmar Holm 89.70 27.98

Discovered Resources

Type Resource Locations
Coal Coal
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Crystal Crystal
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Edit Edit ←Edit this item link and enter one of these in the "1" box: Amethyst, Calcite, Herkimer, Quartz, Pearl or Tellurite.. Then cut and paste the item link so it is the only thing left in the resource cell.
Fibers Fibers Silk Silk
Flint Flint Chert Chert
Pure Nodes
Island Long Lat Notes
Montmeda Island 90.19 23.07
Chalcedony Chalcedony
Pure Nodes
Island Long Lat Notes
Montmeda Island 89.83 23.47
Montmeda Island 89.78 23.54 5 Nodes
Gem Gem Ruby Ruby
Island Long Lat Notes
Montmeda Island 89.66 23.53 Many
Metal Metal Copper Copper
Pure Nodes
Island Long Lat Notes
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  • Method 1 (visual): Exit editing and look in the "contents" menu on this page. Find "islands" then right-click the name of the island you want and select "copy link address." Then create the link, paste the address and clean up the link name to include only the island name.
  • Method 2 (visual): Type the island's name, highlight the name, click the "create link" button or press Ctrl+k, type "Region O6#" in front of its name in the link window then click "done."
  • Method 3 (edit source): Enter [[Page_Address#Island_Name|Island Name]]

Please delete this instruction line once there is at least one actual entry. Subsequent entries can use it as a template.

Oil Oil Mineral Oil Mineral Oil
Thatch Thatch Fronds Fronds
Salt Salt
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Edit Edit ←Edit this item link and enter one of these in the "1" box: Flake Salt, Iodine, Kala Namak, Pink Salt, Rock Salt or Sea Salt. Then cut and paste the item link so it is the only thing left in the resource cell.
Stone Stone Granite Granite
Limestone Limestone
Sugar Sugar Honey Honey
Island Long Lat Notes
Ponoto Island
Sap Sap
Sugar Cane Sugar Cane
Wood Wood Strongwood Strongwood

Discovered Consumables / Plants

Type Resource Locations
Berries Berries Acai Acai
Island Long Lat Notes
Montmeda Island 89.88 23.06
Acerolla Acerolla
Island Long Lat Notes
Montmeda Island 90.57 23.05
Cooking Herbs Cooking Herbs Cilantro Cilantro
Turmeric Turmeric
Island Long Lat Notes
Montmeda Island 90.54 23.07
Fruits Fruits Coconut Coconut
Medicinal Herb Medicinal Herb
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Edit Edit ←Edit this item link and enter one of these in the "1" box: Aloe, Basil, Chamomile, Licorice, Poppy, Spirulina, Turmeric or Yarrow. Then cut and paste the item link so it is the only thing left in the resource cell.
Wild Vegetables Wild Vegetables
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Edit Edit ←Edit this item link and enter one of these in the "1" box: Wheatgrass, Wild Beans, Wild Beet, Wild Cactus, Wild Carrot, Wild Chickpeas, Wild Chili, Wild Edible Greens, Wild Maize, Wild Onion, Wild Pepper, Wild Potato, Wild Rice or Wild Turnip.Then cut and paste the item link so it is the only thing left in the resource cell.

Discovered Animals


Kirkney Ait

Region O6
Kirkney Ait

Malsea Atoll

Region O6
Malsea Atoll

Monkmar Holm

Region O6
Monkmar Holm

Montmeda Island

Region O6
Montmeda Island

Ponoto Island

Region O6
Ponoto Island

All regions

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