
Accordion Accordion: A Mockatoo Once Told Me[ | ]

Difficulty Song Length Max Band Size Buff Type Active Buff Buff Lifetime (Min) Buff Lifetime (Max) Buff Scalar (Min) Buff Scalar (Max)
Easy (Green) 69 sec 6 Treasure Gold Buff On Completion 720 sec 7200 sec 1.1 1.2
Medium (Yellow) 69 sec 6 Treasure Gold Buff On Completion 720 sec 7200 sec 1.2 1.3
Hard (Red) 69 sec 6 Treasure Gold Buff On Completion 720 sec 7200 sec 1.3 1.4

Accordion Accordion: Of Sea and Sails[ | ]

Difficulty Song Length Max Band Size Buff Type Active Buff Buff Lifetime (Min) Buff Lifetime (Max) Buff Scalar (Min) Buff Scalar (Max)
Easy (Green) 21 sec 6 Taming Affinity Multiplier On Completion 720 sec 7200 sec 1.25 1.75
Medium (Yellow) 21 sec 6 Taming Affinity Multiplier On Completion 720 sec 7200 sec 1.5 2.5
Hard (Red) 21 sec 6 Taming Affinity Multiplier On Completion 720 sec 7200 sec 2 3

Accordion Accordion: She Heard the Siren's Call[ | ]

Difficulty Song Length Max Band Size Buff Type Active Buff Buff Lifetime (Min) Buff Lifetime (Max) Buff Scalar (Min) Buff Scalar (Max)
Easy (Green) 36 sec 6 Experience Multiplier On Completion 720 sec 7200 sec 1.25 1.75
Medium (Yellow) 36 sec 6 Experience Multiplier On Completion 720 sec 7200 sec 1.5 2
Hard (Red) 36 sec 6 Experience Multiplier On Completion 720 sec 7200 sec 1.75 2.5

Patch Notes[ | ]

V315.4 - Make musical buffs last 50% longer

File:Music & Dance Unlock.png Music & Dance Unlock
