Movement Speed[ | ]
Movement Speed defines how fast a Character is moving. The Speed at which a Character is moving on land can be displayed by using the Console commands ShowDebug Physics (ShowDebug reset for turning off).
When to heavy loaded (85% of maxWeight) the player becomes Encumbered, and can not Sprint/Run/Jump anymore.
There is a Baseline Movement Speed of ~8% of maxSpeed, it is applied when nearly fully loaded, or overloaded.
Positive effects (faster)[ | ]
Equilibrium -- +10% (tested not working on 19.21)
Creme Brulee -- +10%
Armor crafted from Blueprints before Patch 18.84 with SpeedMultiplier and +SpeedMultiplier, this is now set to x0.% on all old Blueprints.
Negative effects (slower)[ | ]
Weight -- -0% .. -92% -- Weight slows down the Movement Speed to: 1- (CurrentWeight/MaxWeight)^5
Movement Speed vs. percentage MaxWeight, without ~8% Baseline Movement Speed.
Armor -- Each armor has its own slowdown, no Armor 100%, Cloth 95%, Hide 90%, Fur 85%, Plate 80%.
With Advanced Armor Articulation form Armory tree: no Armor 100%, Cloth 97.2%, Hide 94.4%, Fur 91.8%, Plate 89%.
Status Effects: Crouching Prone Injured Hypothermia Freezing Slowed By Cold ...
Tested Movement Speed[ | ]
For nerds only!
Armor and Buffs[ | ]
Tested different Armors with the Buffs to Movement Speed 19.21. Reported Values are Speed2D from Console commands ShowDebug Physics.
- CB = Creme Brulee
- aaa = Advanced Armor Articulation form Armory
- W = Walking
- R = Running
- Weight 113.7/352, Fur had a weight modifier, so maxWeight 366.8 for Fur (minimal impact).
Equilibrium on / off did not change the Numbers (Bug?), did not relog --> wip.
Armor | W | R | W CB | R CB | W aaa | R aaa | W aaa CB | R aaa CB |
No Armor | 491 | 889 | 540 | 977 | 491 | 889 | 540 | 977 |
Cloth Armor | 466 | 844 | 513 | 928 | 477 | 864 | 525 | 950 |
Hide Armor | 441 | 800 | 486 | 879 | 464 | 840 | 510 | 924 |
Fur Armor | 417 | 755 | 486 | 879 | 464 | 840 | 495 | 897 |
Plate Armor | 392 | 771 | 432 | 782 | 437 | 791 | 480 | 870 |
Weight test[ | ]
Tested Movement Speed at different Weights 19.21. Reported Values Speed2D from Console commands ShowDebug Physics.
- Hide Armor with Advanced Armor Articulation no Equilibrium, doesnt matter for percentages anyway, only for maxSpeed.
- maxWeight 352
- W = Walking
- R = Running
- C = W calculated with (1 -(weight/352)^5)*465
- % = currentWeight/ maxWeight *100
- n/a = not available due to Encumbered
currentWeight | % | W | R | C |
16.8 | 4.77 | 465 | 842 | 465 |
28.2 | 8.01 | 465 | 842 | 465 |
115.7 | 32.87 | 464 | 839 | 463.2 |
203.2 | 57.73 | 435 | 789 | 435.2 |
290.7 | 59.57 | 286 | 519 | 286.4 |
299.1 | 84.97 | 259 | 469 | 259 |
299.5 | 85.09 | 258 | n/a | 257.7 |
334.5 | 95.03 | 105 | n/a | 104.7 |
384.4 | 109.20 | 49 | n/a | n/a |
Bonus[ | ]
Bear 123 walking, 600 - 1542 Sprinting
While Encumbered the Upswing ( r ↑ scroll down) is shorty reported with 400.