Map Icon
Open the Map to look where you are

Button Online Icon ATLAS features a huge map


For an interactive full-size version of this map, see the original image on EasyZoom or the official map it was made from

  • [A new Map] has been launched with the start of Season 4 on July 4th 2020 with an 11x11 grid with 121 zones with re-arranged temperate areas, please bear with us while we update the data for each of the grids.


The map or world of Atlas is divided into 121 regions forming the grid. Each region represents a dedicated host that has 4 other hosts connected at its adjacent borders all 121 regions follow this same concept creating the vast "seamless" one sharded world of Atlas. Note: If you want to view the map grid, open the Inventory, and click on the Atlas tab and turn it on there.

About this image

Click on a grid region to navigate to it's details page.

Looking at this image we can notice the division is an 11x11 grid.


There are many islands in Atlas, all these islands are on one big map which is divided into regions forming a grid. Each region of the grid has a letter from A-K and a number from 1-11. Map/Locations

External maps
