
The in-game food icon.


The in-game nutrition bar. The colors are: Yellow (A), Purple(B), Orange(C) and Blue(D).

Food is categorized in four nutrition categories.

Nutrition[ | ]

In addition to a Food stat, ATLAS introduces a Nutrition mechanic that separately tracks vitamins A, B, C & D.

  • Vitamin A A - Vegetables
  • Vitamin B B - Meats
  • Vitamin C C - Fruit & Berries
  • Vitamin D D - Fish & Dairy

Eating too little of a particular vitamin will result in Vitamin Deficiency. Eating too much of a particular vitamin will result in Vitamin Surplus. Both deficiency and surplus result in detrimental effects including shaky vision, torpor (unconsciousness) and eventually, death.

Conversely, if a balanced diet is maintained for 30 minutes, keeping all vitamins within 20% of each other, the player will receive the Equilibrium buff, providing bonuses to speed, melee damage and Fortitude. The h key will show you detailed information about your current nutrition state including the time remaining before the buff is achieved. If the balance is not maintained, the buff is lost and the timer reset.

Three Vitamin Depletion Rate skills can be learned that reduce the rate of vitamin depletion by 10%, 20% & 30%. Equilibrium is particularly hard to maintain at sea as vitamins deplete faster than when on land. As ships gain XP, levels invested in the Sturdiness attribute will reduce the rate of vitamin depletion for those on board.

Cooked meat and meals produced with the cooking skills give more Food and vitamins than raw resources do. However, during early access, meals produced with the cooking skills are not well balanced. Although they restore substantial amounts of the Food stat, the vitamins provided are not sufficient to achieve Equilibrium. For now, it's better to eat raw fruits, vegetables and cooked meat & fish.


Common Food and Vitamin Values[ | ]

Different Food has different Values for Food restore and Vitamin restore.

For Vitamine Level below 50, Vitamins are raised by 1 Unit, above they only provide 0,5 Unit. For Food Food below 100 more Food Level is gained, above 100 the Food gain can be reduced, but Health Health is also reduced.

Common Units are:

8F (8F) 5V - Cooked Meat / Fish (so one piece restores 8 Food, 8 Food when FL above 100 and 5 Vitamin Units)

5F (0.5F) 15V - Cooked Prime Meat / Fish

1.5F (0.1F) 1V - Berry, Lime

1F (0F) 1V - Vegetables, Cooking Herbs, Medicinal Herb, Fruits with some outliners

5F (0.2) 5V - Potato, Celery, Cocoa, Turnip, Cactus, Olives, Beans ...

3F (0.5F) 3V - Egg

8W (8W) 5V - Milk

Basic Food Rotations for Maintaing Leveled Vitamins[ | ]

To eat Vitamin neutral there are diffent Rotations depending on the Food Level.

Low on Food, but good on Vitamine:

1 Cooked Meat, 1 Cooked Fish, 1 Potato or 5 Cooking Herbs etc. , 5 Berry this x times until Food is restored = 28.5F 5V

Good on Food, but low on Vitamine:

1 Cooked Prime Meat, 3 Milk, 1 Potato or 5 Cooking Herbs etc. , 15 Berry = 24W 42.5F (1.6F) 15V -- Milk can be replaced by Cooked Prime Fish

Intentionally Dumping Food Level[ | ]

When sailing, often the Vitamin Level is low, but Food Food is still high . To get the Vitamin Level up again it can be required to reduce the FL, when not having the right Food. FL is consumed when Stamina Stamina refills, the slower it refills the higher the food consumption (standing > Crouching > Prone). When you are Hot, the water level is consumed instead of FL, more information .

So to reduce FL, on sea it can be (best) done by using feats. Blocking was used for it but it has been patched out. Others slow methods are shouting, upswing, dancing... Regenerate Stamina Stamina while standing, walking (not on Steering Wheel though).

Nutrition Table for Wild Vegetables[ | ]

Name Nutrition Group
Wild Beans Wild Beans A A
Wild Beet Wild Beet A A
Wild Cactus Wild Cactus A A
Wild Carrot Wild Carrot A A
Wild Chickpeas Wild Chickpeas A A
Wild Chili Wild Chili A A
Wild Edible Greens Wild Edible Greens A A
Wild Maize Wild Maize A A
Wild Onion Wild Onion A A
Wild Pepper Wild Pepper A A
Wild Potato Wild Potato A A
Wild Rice Wild Rice A A
Wild Seed Wild Seed A A
Wild Turnip Wild Turnip A A
Wild Wheat Wild Wheat A A

Nutrition Table for Animal parts[ | ]

Name Nutrition Group
Chicken Egg Chicken Egg A A
Milk Milk D D
Animal Meat Animal Meat B B
Fish Meat Fish Meat D D
Cooked Prime Meat Cooked Prime Meat B B
Prime Animal Meat Prime Animal Meat B B
Prime Fish Meat Prime Fish Meat D D

Nutrition Table for Fruits[ | ]

Name Nutrition Group
Cocoa Cocoa A A
Coconut Coconut A A
Lime Lime C C +1 Food Food +1.5
Olive Olive A A

Nutrition Table for Berry[ | ]

Name Nutrition Group
Acai Acai C C
Acerolla Acerolla C C
Arctic Raspberry Arctic Raspberry C C
Bilberry Bilberry C C
Blackberry Blackberry C C
Elderberry Elderberry C C
Lignonberry Lignonberry C C
Strawberry Strawberry C C
Schisandra Schisandra C C
Sea Grapes Sea Grapes C C

Nutrition Table for Farming[ | ]

For advanced cooking it is required to grow you own plants. You can do this by building Small Crop Plot or Large Crop Plot.

Each seed needs to be planted in soil that suits its needs, the description on Seeds will list either the soils it will grow in, or the soils you cannot use for planting.

Seed Plant
Bean Seed Bean Seed Beans Beans
Beet Seed Beet Seed Beet Beet
Cactus Seed Cactus Seed Cactus Cactus
Carrot Seed Carrot Seed Carrot Carrot
Chickpeas Seed Chickpeas Seed Chickpeas Chickpeas
Chili Seed Chili Seed Chili Chili
EdibleGreens Seed EdibleGreens Seed EdibleGreens EdibleGreens
Maize Seed Maize Seed Maize Maize
Onion Seed Onion Seed Onion Onion
Pepper Seed Pepper Seed Pepper Pepper
Potato Seed Potato Seed Potato Potato A A +5 Food Food +5
Rice Seed Rice Seed Rice Rice
Turnip Seed Turnip Seed Turnip Turnip
Wheat Seed Wheat Seed Wheat Wheat

Medicinal Herb[ | ]

Medicinal Herbs are used to create the Medkit.

Name Nutrition Group
Aloe Aloe A A
Basil Basil A A
Chamomile Chamomile A A
Licorice Licorice A A
Poppy Poppy A A
Spirulina Spirulina A A
Turmeric Turmeric A A
Yarrow Yarrow A A

Nutrition Table for Cooking Herbs[ | ]

Name Recipes Recipes that accept any kind of Cooking Herbs Cooking Herbs
Cilantro Cilantro
Garlic Garlic
Green Algae Green Algae
Mint Mint
Oregano Oregano
Parsley Parsley
Rosemary Rosemary
Thyme Thyme

Related Links[ | ]

Nutrition Table for Spices[ | ]

Name Nutrition Group
Chili Chili A A
Onion Onion A A

Cooking[ | ]

Description[ | ]

There is no greater a position on a ship, in a community, or even at a grand palace, than the position of the cook. Often Masters of both agriculture and animal husbandry, the cook is the greatest source of morale, survival, and health, that there is. Teach someone to cook, and they can feed the world.

The Skill Cooking Unlock unlocks the following item:

Nutrition Table for Cooking[ | ]

While the digesting buff is active (depending on the recipe) vitamins or hunger slowly increase. It is advised to wait for the buff to disappear before eating another recipe.

Furthermore, the recipes are balancing out the vitamins, making it easier to maintain the Equilibrium buff

Cooking[ | ]

Name Required Skill Nutrition Made In Recipe Effects Spoil Times
Cooked Meat Cooked Meat None B B 5
Food Food 8
Campfire Campfire
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
Animal Meat Animal Meat 0:15 Inventory
1:00 Food Larder Food Larder
9:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Cooked Fish Cooked Fish None D D 5
Food Food 8
Campfire Campfire
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
Fish Meat Fish Meat 0:15 Inventory
1:00 Food Larder Food Larder
9:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Cooked Prime Meat Cooked Prime Meat None B B 15
Food Food 5
Campfire Campfire
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
Prime Animal Meat Prime Animal Meat 0:15 Inventory
1:00 Food Larder Food Larder
9:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Cooked Prime Fish Meat Cooked Prime Fish Meat None D D 15
Food Food 5
Campfire Campfire
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
Prime Fish Meat Prime Fish Meat 0:15 Inventory
1:00 Food Larder Food Larder
9:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Salted Meat Salted Meat None B B 3
Food Food 5
Preserving Bag Preserving Bag Preserving Salt Preserving Salt

+ Animal Meat Animal Meat

Balances Vitamin B
Salted Fish Salted Fish None D D 3
Food Food 5
Preserving Bag Preserving Bag Preserving Salt Preserving Salt

+ Fish Meat Fish Meat

Balances Vitamin B
Milk Milk None D D 5
Water Water
None Bucket Bucket
+Health regen
0:15 Inventory
1:00 Food Larder Food Larder
9:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Ale Ale Basics of Cooking A A 2
Water Water
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
1xWater Water

+ 5xWheat Wheat or Maize Maize

Buzzed: 1800s (30:00)
-Dmg Taken
+Melee Damage
Exhausted: 200s (03:20)
N/A: Alcohol
Berry Tea Berry Tea Basics of Cooking A A 2
Water Water
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
1xWater Water

+ 5xBerry Berry

1:00 Inventory
4:00Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Hardtack Hardtack Basics of Cooking A A 2
Food Food 3
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
1xWater Water

+ 5xWheat Wheat or Maize Maize

10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Alex's Rosemary Chicken Alex's Rosemary Chicken Basic Recipes A A 20
D D 20
Food Food 25
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
Salt Salt

+ 3×Cooking Herbs Cooking Herbs
+ 3xCooked Meat Cooked Meat
+ 3×Carrot Carrot

Balances Vitamins 10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Bubble N' Squeak Bubble N' Squeak Basic Recipes A A 65
C C 10
Food Food 50
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
3xCooking Herbs Cooking Herbs

+ 3xCooked Meat Cooked Meat
+ 3x Vegetables
+ 10xWheat Wheat or Maize Maize

Balances Vitamins 10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Celery Soup Celery Soup Basic Recipes B B 10
C C 25
Food Food 20
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
2xWater Water

+ 1xSalt Salt
+ 3xCooked Fish Cooked Fish
+ 3xCelery Celery

Balances Vitamins 10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Hot Cocoa Hot Cocoa Basic Recipes B B 12
D D 32
Food Food 15
Water Water
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
1xMilk Milk or Water Water

+ 1xSalt Salt
+ 3xSugar Sugar
+ 3xMint Mint
+ 5xCocoa Cocoa

Balances Vitamins
Beef Buns Beef Buns Basic Recipes A A 50
B B 10
Food Food 50
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
1xSalt Salt
+ 3xCooking Herbs Cooking Herbs

+ 3xCooked Meat Cooked Meat
+ 5xChili Chili
+ 10xWheat Wheat or Maize Maize

Balances Vitamins 10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Monarchs Cake Monarchs Cake Basic Recipes C C 20*
D D 20
Food Food 25
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
3xSugar Sugar

+ 1xCooking Herbs Cooking Herbs
+ 2xChicken Egg Chicken Egg
+ 3xPotato Potato
+ 15xWheat or Maize Wheat or Maize

*Application of C C takes several minutes
Balances Vitamins
10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Pork Pie Pork Pie Basic Recipes A A 20
B B 20
Food Food 25
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
Salt Salt

+ 3×Cooking Herbs Cooking Herbs
+ 5xCooked Meat Cooked Meat
+ 3×Potato Potato
+ 10×Wheat Wheat or Maize Maize

Balances Vitamins 10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Robert's Spiced Rum Robert's Spiced Rum Basic Recipes B B 12
C C32
Food Food 15
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
Water Water

+ 10x Cooking Herbs Cooking Herbs
+ 5x Sugar Sugar
+ 3x Chili Chili
+ 10×Wheat Wheat

Combat: 500s (07:20)
-Damage Taken
+Melee Damage
Exhausted: 300s (05:00)
Balances Vitamins
N/A: Alcohol
Fish n Chips Fish n Chips Basic Recipes C C 20*
D D 20
Food Food 25
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
5x Salt Salt

+ 5x Cooked Fish Cooked Fish
+ 1x Pepper Pepper
+ 5x Vegetables
+ 10x Wheat Wheat or Maize Maize

*Application of C C takes several minutes
Balances Vitamins
10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Creme Brulee Creme Brulee Intermediate Recipes A A 20
D D 20
Food Food 25
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
1x Milk Milk

+ 1x Salt Salt
+ 10x Sugar Sugar
+ 5x Chicken Egg Chicken Egg
+ 3x Elderberry Elderberry

Run Speed: 900s (15:00)
+Movement Speed (10%)
Balances Vitamins
10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Dragon's Tongue Delight Dragon's Tongue Delight Advanced Recipes A A 20
B B 20
Food Food 25
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
1xWater Water

+ 10x Sugar Sugar
+ 20xCooking Herbs Cooking Herbs
+ 1xMarrow Marrow
+ 5xBeet Beet
+ 10xBerry Berry
+ 5xChili Chili
+ 5xLime Lime
+ 20xWheat Wheat or Maize Maize

Reduces Cooldowns and Stamina Costs for feats
Balances Vitamins
10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Debby's Pudding Debby's Pudding Intermediate Recipes C C 20
D D 20
Food Food 25
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
1x Milk Milk

+ 1x Salt Salt
+ 3x Chicken Egg Chicken Egg
+ 3x Rice Rice
+ 10x Sea Grapes Sea Grapes

Balances Vitamins 10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Shrunken Head Stew Shrunken Head Stew Intermediate Recipes A A 20
B B 20
Food Food 25
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
1x Salt Salt

+ 3x Sugar Sugar
+ 5x Cooked Meat Cooked Meat
+ 10x Rosemary Rosemary
+ 10x Vegetables

Stamina: 900s (15:00)
+60% Stamina Stamina
-40% Stamina Recovery
Balances Vitamins
10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Spicy Roll Spicy Roll Intermediate Recipes A A 20
D D 10
Food Food 25
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
1x Salt Salt

+ 5x Cooked Meat Cooked Meat
+ 10x Rice Rice
+ 3x Turmeric Turmeric
+ 20x Vegetables

Hot Weather: 900s (15:00)
+Hyperthermal Insulation
Balances Vitamins
10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Stuffed & Baked Fish Stuffed & Baked Fish Intermediate Recipes B B 20
D D 10
Food Food 25
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
1x Salt Salt

+ 5x Cooking Herbs Cooking Herbs
+ 5x Cooked Fish Cooked Fish
+ 5x Pepper Pepper
+ 15x Wheat Wheat Or Maize Maize

Long Breath: 999s (16:36)
-25 Oxygen Oxygen Drain
Balances Vitamins
10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Dark Draught Dark Draught Intermediate Recipes B B 32
C C 12
Food Food 15
Water Water
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
1x Water Water

+ 5x Sugar Sugar
+ 5x Mint Mint
+ 3x Kala Namak Kala Namak
+ 20x Blackberry Blackberry
+ 5x Wheat Wheat or Maize Maize

Balances Vitamins
Song Of The Sea Song Of The Sea Advanced Recipes A A 20
B B 20
Food Food 25
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
5x Iodine Iodine

+ 10x Acai Acai
+ 10x Beans Beans
+ 10x Onion Onion
+ 5x Poppy Poppy
+ 5x Potato Potato

Salvaging: 900s (15:00)
Breathing Underwater
Increased Damage Taken
-40% Weight
Balances Vitamins
10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Tara Nostri Treat Tara Nostri Treat Advanced Recipes A A 20
B B 20
Food Food 25
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
3x Salt Salt

+ 5x Sugar Sugar
+ 5x Mint Mint
+ 5x Chicken Egg Chicken Egg
+ 10x Blackberry Blackberry
+ 10x Schisandra Schisandra
+ 10x Strawberry Strawberry
+ 20x Wheat Wheat

Regeneration: 900s (15:00)
+HP Regen off combat (~1HP/Sec)
- HP Regen in combat
Balances Vitamins
10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Reapers Regard Reapers Regard Advanced Recipes A A 20
B B 20
Food Food 25
Cooking Pot Cooking Pot
Grill Grill
3x Salt Salt

+ 5x Acerolla Acerolla
+ 10x Cooked Fish Cooked Fish
+ 5x Lignonberry Lignonberry
+ 3x Syrup Syrup
+ 10x Cooking Herbs Cooking Herbs
+ 5x Sea Grapes Sea Grapes
+ 20x Vegetables
+ 1xWater Water

Unknown: 900s (15:00)
nothing so far!
Balances Vitamins
10:00 Inventory
1:16:00 Food Larder Food Larder
15:00:00 Preserving Bag Preserving Bag
Unthinkable Delicacy Food Unthinkable Delicacy Food Unthinkable Delicacy A A B B C C D D
Food Food Water Water
Grill Grill 1 Water Water OR Milk Milk

+5 Salt Salt
+10 (Sugar Sugar )
+50 Cooking Herbs Cooking Herbs or Spices
+10 Magic Marrow(Mythos Mythos )
+25 Animal Meat Animal Meat (raw)
+50 Berry Berry
+50 Vegetables
+50 Maize Maize OR Wheat Wheat

This keeps Water, Food and Vitamins in Balance for a Duration
Grog Grog Stout Liver B B 2
Water Water
Water Barrel Water Barrel 1xWaterskin Waterskin

+ 5xSugar Sugar

Cold Weather: 1800s (30:00)
+ Hypothermal Insulation
-Food Consumption
Exhausted: 300s (05:00)
-Damage Taken
+Melee Damage
N/A: Alcohol

Cooking & Farming[ | ]

Cooking & Farming Icon InGame Cost to unlock entire category: xx

Unlocked by Survivalism
Tier Skill Provides Items Unlocked Cost Precondition

Cooking UnlockCooking Unlock

Gives access to unlock the Cooking & Farming Discipline


Basics of CookingBasics of Cooking

Gives access to crafting the Cooking Pot Cooking Pot



Basic FarmingBasic Farming

Gives access to crafting basic farming and irrigation tools.



Expedited OrdersExpedited Orders

Cooking Speed +20%



Stout LiverStout Liver

Alchohol Nutritional Value: +20%



Soil TillingSoil Tilling

Soil Growth Bonus +20%



Improved Expedited OrdersImproved Expedited Orders

Cooking Speed +20% 4


Improved Stout LiverImproved Stout Liver

Alchohol Nutritional Value: +40%



Improved Soil TillingImproved Soil Tilling

Soil Growth Bonus +20% 4


Intermediate RecipesIntermediate Recipes

Unlocks Tier 2 Recipes for cooking



Advanced Stout LiverAdvanced Stout Liver

Alchohol Nutritional Value: +60% 6


Advanced Soil TillingAdvanced Soil Tilling

Soil Growth Bonus +20%



Advanced Expedited OrdersAdvanced Expedited Orders

Cooking Speed +15% 6


Advanced RecipesAdvanced Recipes

Unlocks Tier 2 Recipes for cooking




Gives access to crafting a preserving bag and preserving salt.



Secrets of CookingSecrets of Cooking

Gives access to crafting the Grill and Keg.



Secrets of FarmingSecrets of Farming

Gives access to crafting larger and more efficient farming structures. 10


Unthinkable DelicacyUnthinkable Delicacy

Once every 6 hours the chef can activate this and produce a dish of tremendous complexity.
  • (requires all the resources in their own inventory).
  • Enables Unthinkable Delicacy in the Use Feat Bar Unthinkable Delicacy Icon
