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23 June 2023

  • curprev 18:4318:43, 23 June 2023‎ Vorath99 talk contribs‎ 724 bytes +724‎ Created page with "{{infobox resource | name = {{PAGENAME}} | image = {{PAGENAME}}.png | description = | type = Intermediate | category = Intermediates | tool = | creature = | droppedby = | found = | weight = | stacksize = | addedin = 537.5 | itemid = | blueprintpath = | gfi = Resource_Flint_Bundle | foundinbeacon = | craftedin = Workstation | craftedin2 = | quantity1 = 10000 | ingredient1 = Flint }} ={{PAGENAME}}= Is a bundle of 10,000 flint converted in the {{ItemLink|Workstat..."