
Grid Name Island Longitude Latitude Note
N2 Grafwood Peninsula - - - -
N2 Dinky Peak The Mumbling Reef 00.00 00.00 -
N2 Victor Rock The Lifeless Enclave 00.00 00.00 -
N2 Eternity Obelisk Gallanpawa Isle 00.00 00.00 -
N2 Giant's Foot Gallanpawa Isle 82.26 82.42 -
N2 Thieve's Landing The Lifeless Enclave 00.00 00.00
N2 The Proving Pool Gallanpawa Isle 82.57 82.13
N2 The Mumbling Reef - - -
N2 The Lifeless Enclave - - -
N2 Teeth of a Beast The Mumbling Reef 81.56 78.56
N2 Gallanpawa Isle - - -
N2 Eyes of a Beast The Mumbling Reef 81.25 77.53
N2 Beastly Beach The Mumbling Reef 81.81 78.02
N2 A Natural Bridge The Lifeless Enclave 77.27 81.68
N2 ??? - 00.00 00.00 Listed in ServerGrid.json with a blank name and "bIsManuallyPlaced" set to false. Might not actually exist.