
Color codes are hexadecimal numbers that computers use to represent a color. ATLAS only uses a small set of color codes (compared to the vast number of colors possible), and here is the full list of colors used to define dyes and creature colors in the game.

Creature Colors and Codes[ | ]

A creature has up to 6 color-regions (numbered 0 to 5). To set region "r" to the creature-color with the id "c", look at the creature and execute the following in the console command:

setTargetDinoColor r c 

Not all creatures are able to have all colors. Possible colors vary by color region, type of animal, and in some cases, by the biome the animal spawns in. Each color region typically has 10-25 options for possible colors.

All data here was obtained directly from the ATLAS devkit, and the colors with ID 1-56 are common to the colors in ARK, with 57-62 being ATLAS-specific colors. You can find these colors in the devkit at game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/PrimalGameData_BP.

Using Excel for converting the RGB data was created.

ID Description Color Hex Code R G B
1 Red #ff0000 255 0 0
2 Blue #0000ff 0 0 255
3 Green #00ff00 0 255 0
4 Yellow #ffff00 255 255 0
5 Cyan #00ffff 0 255 255
6 Magenta #ff00ff 255 0 255
7 Light Green #c0ffba 192 255 186
8 Light Grey #c8caca 200 202 202
9 Light Brown #786759 120 103 89
10 Light Orange #ffb46c 255 180 108
11 Light Yellow #fffa8a 255 250 138
12 Light Red #ff756c 255 117 108
13 Dark Grey #7b7b7b 123 123 123
14 Black #3b3b3b 59 59 59
15 Brown #593a2a 89 58 42
16 Dark Green #224900 34 73 0
17 Dark Red #812118 129 33 24
18 White #ffffff 255 255 255
19 Dino Light Red #ffa8a8 255 168 168
20 Dino Dark Red #592b2b 89 43 43
21 Dino Light Orange #ffb694 255 182 148
22 Dino Dark Orange #88532f 136 83 47
23 Dino Light Yellow #cacaa0 202 202 160
24 Dino Dark Yellow #94946c 148 148 108
25 Dino Light Green #e0ffe0 224 255 224
26 Dino Medium Green #799479 121 148 121
27 Dino Dark Green #224122 34 65 34
28 Dino Light Blue #d9e0ff 217 224 255
29 Dino Dark Blue #394263 57 66 99
30 Dino Light Purple #e4d9ff 228 217 255
31 Dino Dark Purple #403459 64 52 89
32 Dino Light Brown #ffe0ba 255 224 186
33 Dino Medium Brown #948575 148 133 117
34 Dino Dark Brown #594e41 89 78 65
35 Dino Darker Grey #595959 89 89 89
36 Dino Albino #ffffff 255 255 255
37 BigFoot0 #b79683 183 150 131
38 BigFoot4 #eadad5 234 218 213
39 BigFoot5 #d0a794 208 167 148
40 WolfFur #c3b39f 195 179 159
41 DarkWolfFur #887666 136 118 102
42 DragonBase0 #a0664b 160 102 75
43 DragonBase1 #cb7956 203 121 86
44 DragonFire #bc4f00 188 79 0
45 DragonGreen0 #79846c 121 132 108
46 DragonGreen1 #909c79 144 156 121
47 DragonGreen2 #a5a48b 165 164 139
48 DragonGreen3 #2D4B56 45 75 86
49 WyvernPurple0 #302C4F 48 44 79
50 WyvernPurple1 #705E88 112 94 136
51 WyvernBlue0 #1F3964 31 57 100
52 WyvernBlue1 #101B2D 16 27 45
53 Dino Medium Blue #1D60D2 29 96 210
54 Dino Deep Blue #0E23A9 14 35 169
55 NearWhite #D8D8D8 216 216 216
56 NearBlack #141414 20 20 20
57 Creature Dark Smoke #141F30 20 31 48
58 Creature Light Smoke #7190F3 113 144 243
59 Creature Ochre #402907 64 41 7
60 Creature Orange #A53B04 165 59 4
61 Creature Midnight #0B0F31 11 15 49
62 Creature Pink #C4744B 196 116 75

Dye Names and Codes[ | ]

All dye colors below are ATLAS-specific, they can be used to color creatures in game but only via the admin command listed above. These can be found in the devkit in game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Primal_ItemDye_XXXX where XXXX changes for each dye. Because these are different than the actual name of the dye in some cases, they are also in the table below.

ID* Name Color Hex Code R G B
20x Alizarin #B50607 181 6 7
20x Aubergine #090405 9 4 5
20x Black #020202 2 2 2
20x Blackberry #0D0105 13 1 5
20x Blackcurrant #010004 1 0 4
20x Blue #0000FF 0 0 255
20x Blue Whale #00060D 0 6 13
20x Brick #4C0702 76 7 2
20x Bright Red #460306 70 3 6
20x Brown #2E1E0F 46 30 15
20x Cantaloupe #FF5400 255 84 0
20x Cerulean #002A62 0 42 98
20x Chateau Green #0D431B 13 67 27
20x Conifer Green #6AB126 106 177 38
20x Cyan #00FFFF 0 255 255
20x Dark Pink #9A0055 154 0 85
20x Magenta #26007F 38 0 127
20x Forest #002600 0 38 0
20x Gold #FFAD00 255 173 0
20x Green #00FF00 0 255 0
20x Indigo #2F02FF 47 2 255
20x Light Sea Green #016F60 1 111 96
20x Madang #74AC5F 116 172 95
20x Magenta #CC02B3 204 2 179
20x Mango #B13000 177 48 0
20x Mineral Gray #1B221D 27 34 29
20x Mud #0F0A05 15 10 5
20x Napa Brown #5F523E 95 82 62
20x Navy #070726 7 7 38
20x Olive #7F7F19 127 127 25
20x Orange #FF3F00 255 63 0
20x Orange Peel #E35800 227 88 0
20x Orient Blue #02182B 2 24 43
20x Paco Brown #110D0B 17 13 11
20x Parchment #FFFF7F 255 255 127
20x Pink #FF33C2 255 51 194
20x Pohutukawa Red #1A0105 26 1 5
20x Purple #3300BF 51 0 191
20x Red #FF0000 255 0 0
20x Royalty #330066 51 0 102
20x Selective Yellow #E37900 227 121 0
20x Shalimar #F0E368 240 227 104
20x Silver #BFBFBF 191 191 191
20x Sky #7FAAFF 127 170 255
20x Slate #191919 25 25 25
20x Snow White #FFEBEB 255 235 235
20x Swampy Purple #080408 8 4 8
20x Tan #FFD873 255 216 115
20x Tangerine #6C2105 108 33 5
20x Watercourse Green #002B11 0 43 17
20x White #FDFDFD 253 253 253
20x Yellow #FFFF00 255 255 0

*Note: Color IDs for dyes are currently listed as 20x because the proper order has not yet been worked out after figuring out the command will work to recolor creatures.
