

South America Map

Map of the South America Region

The Azuela ocean is a 4x3 Region from A5 to D7 off the West edge of Carribia. One Golden Age and two Deep Ocean Trench. The ocean exists in the South-West of this region, and all other Grids are Lawless except the one Golden Age.

Islands here consist of Tropical and Equatorial biomes: hot temperatures and expansive shallows extending out from sandy beaches compliment the swampy cliffs and jungles of Equatorial islands.

One portal connecting to Central Waters resides in A7 in the South-West, while one portal to Uncharted Sea can be found in B6 in the Mid-West.

Connections to Other Regions[]

Entering South America[]

South America can most easily be reached by sailing off the Western edge of the Central Waters Region. Because South America is 3 Grids tall and borders Carribia 9 Grid height, the 3 Eastern Grids of South America feed from the adjoining 9 in groups of three:

  • E2 / E3 / E4 connect to South America's North-East D5
  • E5 / E6 / E7 connect to South America's Mid-East D6
  • E8 / E9 / E10 connect to South America's South-East D7

Exiting South America[]

There are a number of exits from South America to other Regions

  • Sailing East out of South America will return Pathfinders to Central Waters, connecting to E3 / E6 / E9
  • The portal in A7 will return Pathfinders to M2 or L3 in Central Waters, but has a 1/3 chance to connect to Maw Waters - take caution with this portal
  • The two-way portal in B6 is one of two entrances to the Uncharted Sea Region, connecting to G13
  • Sailing North from South America will put Pathfinders in Tortuga: the Tropical Freeport
  • Sailing West from South America will put Pathfinders in Cervantes' Rest: the Desert Freeport