Released - December 27, 2018
- Server-side crash fixes and stability improvements. Resulting in approximately 40% more stable servers, with additional changes to come!
- Reduced Army of the Damned ships spawn rate by 60%
- Reduced Army of the Damned ship HP per level scaling by 20%
- Reduced Army of the Damned ship Aggro range by 10%
- Boosted Army of the Damned ship loot quality by 10%
- Reduced Flotsam spawn rate by 35%
- Increased Treasuremap item quality by 15%
- Eliminated at-sea increased rate of vitamin/vitals consumption. Now it just causes food to spoil faster, and temperatures to drop.
- Increased vitamin equilibrium range to +/- 20% rather than 10% (making it easier to achieve and stay in equilibrium)
- Decreased vitamin deficiency debuff threshold to 10% rather than 20%
- Reduced base rate of vitamin consumption by 2%
- Ensured army of the damned ships spawn farther away from shore, and don't spawn too near player ships
- Fixed Diving Platform to take any oils, not just blubber
- Changed Lighthouse HP to 25k, gave it stone structure settings, and allow it to burn oil
- Vultures will no longer erroneously target players they can't hit
- Army of the Damned Ships will no longer initially aggro to drydocked or anchored ships, unless fired upon by them or already targeting them.
- Added one more Skill Point earned by all level-ups above 10 (recommend players Respec)