
Released - 05 November 2020

New Feature: Markets

  • A new Market structure has been added
    • Markets must be connected to a nearby Warehouse to function
    • The Warehouse must be connected to a Farmhouse for full functionality
    • The Warehouse acts as a repository for trading resources for the Market
    • Trade Routes may be created between Markets
    • Preferences for Resource Trading may be set on the Markets
    • Markets DO NOT currently Trade
    • Markets trading is in testing and bug fixing and will come with a later patch
    • Trading will be automated based on preferences set on the Market
    • A successful trade will generate some amount of Gold Coins
    • Markets have 150k health and are difficult to destroy
    • Crafting a market requires the Advanced Automation skill from the construction tree and may be done at a Smithy
    • Some Trade and Market tuning values are configurable for private servers (edited)

Sea Forts

  • Updated the terrain of the Sea Fort island
  • Simple cosmetic updates to the look of Sea Fort structures (this art is still a placeholder)
  • Adjusted respawn times for some structures on Sea Forts (walls still respawn fast)
  • Made some Sea Fort tuning values configurable for private servers
  • Updated data on the map about Sea Forts (owner and tax rate are shown)
    • Now only shown when zoomed in
    • Performance while map is open should be improved
  • Increased Defense Tower's damage resistance
    • Explosion Damage Received: 100% → 70%
    • Explosive Barrel Damage Received: 100% → 10.5%
    • Catapult Boulder Damage Received: 100% → 28%
    • Ballista Damage Received: 100% → 7%
    • Added immunity to melee attacks and liquid flame
  • Modified Tower Wall's damage resistance to match Defense Tower
    • Explosion Damage Received: 31% → 70%
    • Explosive Barrel Damage Received: 31% → 10.5%
  • Increased damage dealt by Defense Towers
    • Explosion Damage: 100 → 250
    • Direct Damage: 180 → 500
  • Bug Fix: Sea Forts can no longer be captured on PVE servers
  • Bug Fix: Players will no longer spawn on Sea Forts


  • Bug Fix: The map no longer flickers
  • Bug Fix: Warehouses can no longer be placed on ships

Sever Config

New variables for Sea Forts, Markets, and Trading have been exposed for server configuration (add to BaseServerArgs of the JSON file):

; Trade
BaseTradeIncomeGoldAmount = 10; Base amount of gold a Trade Route generates per server it travels through, as the crow flies
TradeIncomeGoldIntracompanyScalar = 0.5f; Multiplier for trading within the company
TradeIncomeGoldAllyScalar = 0.5f; Multiplier for trading with allies
TradeMarketCoolDown = 300.0f; Delay between starting a new shipment if one has begun
TradeRouteShipmentMaxWeight = 1500.0f; Combined weight of all resources in a trade, shared between both shipments
TradeRoutesMaxPerMarket = 5; Max number of trade routes each market may have
MaxAllowedTradeShipsOnServer = 5; Max number of -real- ships allowed on a server before they queue up
VirtualShipFactorServerMax = 8; used to balance rate of real v virtual ships
VirtualShipFactorVirtualDecay = 0.8f; same
VirtualShipFactorRealGrowth = 0.5f; same
VirtualShipDelayInSeconds = 60.0f; How long it takes a virtual ship to travel through a server
; Control Points
ContolPointLandClaimTime = 1500; how many seconds it takes to claim a Sea Fort from neutral
ControlMaxClaimTaxRate = 30; Maximum percent out of a hundred that a Sea Fort can tax a ship using it
ControlPointCostLimit = 100; Total amount of build points a Sea Fort may have on it for defenses
ControlPointAggressionDecayTime = 60; How long a Sea Fort remains aggro at someone who attacked
ControlDestroyedDefensiveStructureAutoPlacementDelay = 600; How long it takes for the Sea Fort to start rebuilding
ControlPointNeutralStructureAutoPlacementDelay = 120; Delay between each rebuild step

