Released - April 17th, 2019
- Possible fix for falling through structures on respawn/fast travel/server load
- Fix for creatures over spawning when wandering out of spawn areas.
- Increased structure check on creature spawns to prevent them from spawning inside bases on Lawless servers. May still occur in areas with a large open space, such as a big pen.
- Fixed a case where Army of the Damned were being destroyed but did not count towards your objective, therefore made it impossible to dig up certain treasure chests.
- Eliminated some D3D (Direct 3d) hung crashes
- Adjusted mythical shipyard crafting requirements so they can be crafted at smithy
- Maximum tax on PvP is now 30%
- Barshot projectile has had it's range and speed increased so that it's closer to a regular cannon ball
- Water Reservoirs now hold 12,000 water and Barrels hold 4,000.
- Whale health has been increased by 20% and gold reduced by 35%
- Ballista reload time has been increased
- Elevators now rise at 3x the rate and can carry 2x more -- may cause some clientside jittering when moving on top of the elevator (known issue that we're working on).
- Medkit spoil timer increased to 12 hrs
- Increase durability of grappling hook by 2x
- Increase earthworm spoil time to 1 hour
- Increase the stasis range of Mermaid so they're easier to find
- No cooldown on placing cannons in PvE
- Reduced creature harvesting for berries
- Ramshackle sloop weight capacity has been reduced to 1200
- Raft weight capacity has been increased to 1600